"We have installed many Teatwand systems on our rotary platforms. The Teatwands have allowed us to improve our labor efficiencies and processes in the parlors. Providing a safe environment for our people and cows is a top priority for us and using the Teatwand automatic teat spray system is a tool that helps us accomplish this.
Working with the Onfarm Solutions team has been a very good experience for us. They are responsive to our input and needs. When we have needed support or had questions they have always been available to us."
Vernon Hawkes

"In the fall of 2016, we started milking our cows in a new rotary parlor.
While touring parlors prior to building, we saw a couple of Teatwand systems and knew we wanted that in our rotary.
The Teatwand has been a great investment that has proven to be simple, reliable and effective. The Teatwand shows up every day and we rely on in to pre & post spray our cows with teat-spray.
Each unit has nearly cycled 6,000,000 times and they are still going strong. We have maintained excellent milk quality, running very low SCC and rarely treating animals for mastitis.
Obviously, milk quality hinges on many components on a dairy farm, but the Teatwand has allowed us to have peace of mind that our cows are properly treated with teat-spray every milking."
Jason Benthem

"The Teatwand Exact teat spraying system consistently delivers a teat spray that provides full coverage to the udder of every cow on the platform. This is reflected in a reduction of identified cases of mastitis in our herd of 715 cows this year. We are entirely satisfied with this product.
We first installed the Teatwand 400 teat spraying system in our rotary dairy shed in September 2011 after experiencing ongoing difficulties with another company's teat sprayer not providing full coverage of the udder.
We have since upgraded to the Teatwand teat spraying system which consistently delivers a teat spray that provides full coverage to the udder of every cow on the platform. This is reflected in a reduction of identified cases of mastitis in our herd of 715 cows this year. We are entirely satisfied with this product.
Important to us with any equipment purchased to support our dairy farm business, is the service and ongoing support offered by the people selling the product.
Gary and his team at Onfarm Solutions Ltd have provided excellent support throughout the initial purchasing period, the installation and have given back up service and checks at regular intervals since we have had the Teatwand in our dairy shed.
We have no hesitation in recommending both the Teatwand system and Onfarm Solutions to other dairy farmers."
Murray and Gaye Coates

Anderslea dairies have now upgraded to the Teatwand Exact for continued effectiveness.
"We rate the Teatwand system as one of the most valuable parts we have to our dairy. After building a new dairy in 2009 we ran with a walkover teat sprayer for two years and battled with mastitis and continuing high cell counts.
Since the installation of Teatwand 400 we have had significantly less mastitis and our cell count has halved. With the old teat sprayer we were pretty much just pouring teat spray down the drain, hitting cows bellies and spraying into thin air depending on how the cow moved over it. Now with the Teatwand system and its leg spreaders we are getting a full coverage on the udder of our 500 cross bred cows.
Even our local vets who in the past have condemned any type of automatic teat sprayer as a waste of money have given this automatic teat sprayer approval and I believe it is more consistent and effective than having someone standing there spraying.
The installation process was efficient and we definitely recommend the Teatwand and Onfarm Solutions with their magnificent service and support."
Ross, Kelly, Graeme and Chris Anderson